a legacy of creativity


a legacy of creativity



How to Purchase a Beat Lease

Browse the Playlist: Scroll through the available beats on the playlist. You can listen to the previews by clicking the play button next to each beat. 

Browse the Playlist: Scroll through the available beats on the playlist. You can listen to the previews by clicking the play button next to each beat.
Select Your Beat: Once you find a beat you like, click on it to view more details.

How to Purchase a Beat Lease

  1. Browse the Playlist: Scroll through the available beats on the playlist. You can listen to the previews by clicking the play button next to each beat.
  2. Select Your Beat: Once you find a beat you like, click on it to view more details.
  3. Choose Your Lease Type:

    • MP3 Lease: Select this option for a standard-quality MP3 file at a lower cost.

      MP3 Lease: The MP3 Lease is perfect for independent artists who need a budget-friendly, non-exclusive option. It’s a compressed format but still delivers high-quality audio.
    • WAV Lease: Choose this for a higher-quality WAV file with more flexibility.

      WAV Lease: WAV Lease provides an uncompressed audio file, offering superior sound quality, making it ideal for professional mixing and mastering.
    • Unlimited Lease: Opt for this if you need unlimited usage rights with no restrictions.

      Unlimited Lease: The Unlimited Lease gives you full creative freedom with no cap on sales, streams, or commercial use. Perfect for serious artists and businesses.
  4. Add to Cart: After selecting your desired lease type, click the “Add to Cart” button.
  5. Review Your Cart: Go to your cart by clicking on the cart icon. Review your selected beats and lease types.
  6. Proceed to Checkout: Click the “Checkout” button to begin the payment process.
  7. Complete Payment: Enter your payment details and complete the transaction.
  8. Download Your Files: Once payment is confirmed, you’ll receive a download link to your purchased files. Check your email or the website’s download section.

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Choose Your Lease Type:

    • MP3 Lease: Select this option for a standard-quality MP3 file at a lower cost.
    • WAV Lease: Choose this for a higher-quality WAV file with more flexibility.
    • Unlimited Lease: Opt for this if you need unlimited usage rights with no restrictions.

Add to Cart: After selecting your desired lease type, click the “Add to Cart” button.


Review Your Cart: Go to your cart by clicking on the cart icon. Review your selected beats and lease types.

Complete Payment: Enter your payment details and complete the transaction.


Complete Payment: Enter your payment details and complete the transaction.

Download Your Files: Once payment is confirmed, you’ll receive a download link to your purchased files. Check your email or the website’s download section.


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